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André Prospery Raymond


Andre Prospery Raymond is an agro-economist with a master in economic development in rural areas and studied law in Haiti and had some extensive post-graduate certificated in the UK, USA and India on Managing People, Leadership, Building a better response, Safeguarding, Gender, Humanitarian responses ect... I'm Haitian from Les Cayes, Haiti.

Prospery worked in the development and humanitarian world for the last 25 years with GRAPH, Oxfam Intermon, UNICEF….He joined Christian Aid in July 2002 as a Capacity building officer; two years later, as a Programme Officer and by 2007 as Country Manager for the Haiti Programme until July 2010. Prospery was the Caribbean team leader overviewing Haiti, Jamaica, Barbados and the Dominican Republic by August 2010. With the changes in 2013 Christian Aid strategy, Andre Prospery Raymond became the Haiti/DR Country Manager until March 2020.

He was the President of a network of 75 local and International NGOs like OXFAM, Action Aid, Helvetas, ACF, Service Chretien d’Haiti, Norwegian Church Aid, Agro German Action called Cadre de Liaison Inter ONGs(CLIO) for 3 years. He is the Vice-Chair of ACT(Action by Churches Together) Haiti Forum where 8 organisations are members in Haiti; International and local.
He was part of the team that conducted the Tsunami impact evaluation in Indonesia in 2011 for Christian Aid. He leaded the Sahel(Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger) impact evaluation in 2015 for Christian Aid.
He is still contributing to a blog in the Guardian and ALC for the last 12 years...

Prospery continues to accompany around 1,000 young in leadership in Haiti, Canada, US and the Dominican Republic supporting his wife who is a head and neck surgeon/Ears, Noses and Throats and a motivational speaker. He has two daughters.

Prospery has been appointed as the new DKH/LWF/NCA Country Director in Haiti in July 2020. He is managing a consortium of three European organizations  Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe, Lutheran World Federation and Norwegian Church Aid, specialized on WASH, Women entrepreneurship, DRR/humanitarian work, Protection and peace building and climate justice.

Articles de André Prospery Raymond

Haïti : où Rara* rencontre les algorithmes - Pourquoi l'IA pourrait être le héros inattendu